We offer you a personalized diagnosis in order to offer you the perfect service for you and your hair.
Each service is carried out in the most pleasant environment: at home, with the expertise of our hairdressers.
We offer you a personalized diagnosis in order to offer you the perfect service for you and your hair.
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The knowledge of hair care
We have developed two techniques with two different products for the maintenance of your hair
Botox treatment:
Enriched with keratin and hyaluronic acid, this care deeply repairs and intensely hydrates the hair. More effective and lasting than a classic treatment, the hair regains suppleness, shine and is better protected against external aggressions.
Natural Bain Care :
This treatment deeply hydrates and restructures the hair fiber in its entirety. From the roots to the ends, the hair is silky and shiny. This treatment does not relax the curl, the hair retains its original texture.
Il existe plusieurs soins adapté à chaque type de peau,
Nous élaborons avec notre laboratoire le meilleur pour vous, hydrafacial,micronedling sont nos Best-seller
Nos esthéticienne sont également formée au type de massage drainant, maderotherapie, palper rouler..)
100% organiques, sans produits nocif nous gardons LE SECRET de votre succès.
Nos esthéticienne sont diplômées et formées par MAISON LISS PARIS.
The knowledge of smoothing
There is a straightening adapted to each type of hair.
Afroliss smoothing:
This treatment is suitable for frizzy hair which is the most fragile.
Kéraliss smoothing :
Keratin, repairs in depth and brings suppleness to your hair. Intensely nourished and hydrated, your curls are relaxed and your hair is easier to comb on a daily basis.
French smoothing:
This smoothing treatment made in France, nourish your hair thanks to the combination of plant extracts like Argan oil, and revitalizing agents like keratin. Your hair is disciplined, stronger and easier to straighten.
Tannin smoothing:
Renowned for its medicinal properties, tannin smoothing regenerates and consolidates the hair fiber. It acts as a protective barrier against external aggressions and makes the hair supple and shiny over the long term.